New Option: Zelle® Payments
Tithes and Offerings
The Joy of Generosity
Your church leadership, the council, and the staff are incredibly grateful for your faithfulness and your commitment to your tithes and offerings. There are several ways to give at Rejoice Lutheran Church
You can give through Zelle Payments, Venmo, as well as Paypal. Zelle can be used for both one-time giving as well as recurring tithes.
Another option is to select Dontate below which will take you to the Vanco website. There you can create an online profile and set up recurring giving; you can adjust your giving at any time.
If you would like pre-printed donation envelopes, we can order those for you; please contact Josalyn in the church office.
Again, thank you for faithfulness in returning to God a part of the many ways God blesses us!
Zelle payments are now accepted, using the account handle
Recurring payments through Zelle can be set up for weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. giving.
Our Venmo account handle is @rejoicelutheran.
You may also mail a check to
P.O. Box 3263
Coppell, TX 75019.
The P.O. Box is being checked on a weekly basis. Any questions about giving? Please contact Josalyn, our office manager, via email
Online Donations/Offerings Instructions and FAQs
Rejoice is pleased to offer several online methods of giving for the church. The first is the Online Donations/Offerings which is the electronic option for making regular offerings. The second is a PayPal option for one time donations such as Starfish Mission, Pin Fund, ELCA Campaigns and paying for specific events that occur during the year such as Vacation Bible School, etc. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Instructions for weekly/monthly giving:
If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.
The Simply Giving Program offers church members a convenient, safe, and simple way to make regular church offerings without the need to write checks, carry cash or prepare envelopes.
Simply Giving works the same as the automatic payment methods used by most families to make mortgage or utility payments.
Simply Giving provides you with today’s most popular payment methods. Many families – especially young families – rarely write checks or carry cash.
It’s good for the church and provides a much-needed donation consistency for our church.
How to get started:
Select a payment method – credit card, debit card, checking or savings account
3. First time users will need to Create a Profile and then follow the instructions
4. The funds currently available for donation are:
General Operating
Permanent Maintenance -
Please call the church office if you have any questions – 972.724.2323
Q: How do automatic contributions work?
A: No matter which donation method you use, you will be asked to select a payment method, start date, frequency and contribution amount. On the date(s) scheduled, donations will be processed and deposited into the church’s bank account.
Q: When will my contribution be processed?
A: Your contribution will be processed each month on the date(s) you authorize.
Q: What can I use to show I made a donation?
A: The itemized list of electronic transaction that appears on your bank or credit card statement can be used as proof of your donations.
Q: How safe is Electronic Giving?
A: It is safer than writing checks or carrying cash to church. Secure donation services are provided by Vanco Services, LLC. Vanco processes electronic donations for more than 15,000 churches and nonprofit organizations.
Q: How can I still participate in the offering during services?
A: You can still display a symbolic act of giving by either writing “I give electronically” on the outside of the envelope or by contacting the church office to request an “I give electronically” card to drop into the offering plate.
Q: What if I need to cancel or temporarily place my donation on hold?
A: You can cancel or suspend donations by notifying the church. (If you signed up online, you may have the option to go online to cancel or suspend your own donations.)
Instructions for PayPal:
You can use PayPal to make a secure, online payment to Rejoice Lutheran Church. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can set one up, or you can use your credit or debit card to make your payment. PayPal will email you a receipt.
Log into your PayPal account.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can either sign up for PayPal or use your credit card or bank account to pay for the event or make your donation.
To make sure your money is credited to the right fund, type the name of the fund in the “Add special instructions to the seller” on the second screen.
Follow the online instructions to complete the transaction.
For questions, call the church office at 972.724.2323
Q: What is PayPal, and how is Rejoice using it to enable online donations?
A: PayPal allows us to collect payments through our website. It is a low cost way to make a one time donation for a specific campaign or to pay for an event. It’s a convenient for you to pay for an event or make a one time donation without having to send a check to the church.
Q: Do I have to have a PayPal account?
A: No. Look for the button that allows you to choose to use a major credit card (American Express, VISA, etc.) You can use one of them without ever signing up for PayPal.
Q: Do I have to be a member of the church to donate?
A: No. We are using this method to make payments to specific ministries for all who feel motivated to do so. PayPal does ask for your contact information.
Q: How do I make sure my payment is credited to the correct campaign?
A: On the second screen is an area entitled “Add special instructions to the seller”. Simply type in the name of the campaign/event you are paying for.
Q: What is the difference between Online Giving and PayPal payments?
A: Rejoice is using Online Giving for our tithes and offerings. We occasionally have events that require payment to attend; i.e., National Youth Gatherings, fundraisers, Vacation Bible School, etc. or for one time donations such as Starfish Mission, Briarwood, etc. For these campaigns/events, we have elected to use PayPal.
Q: I cannot figure out how to make PayPal work.
A: Please call the church office at 972.724.2323 and we will help you.
All Zelle® trademarks used herein, are the exclusive property of Early Warning Services, LLC and are used with permission.